Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Recently people are panic of Swine Flu which infection comes faster and everybody keeps covered mouth and nose with mask or towel. But after the real understanding of how to infect others, the usage of masks and towels are reduced. The awareness of the flu from the media, doctors etc. helped the people more how to save themselves. The spreading of virus when people sneezing, coughing will go upto a distance of 1 meter, according to a doctor. The fact is that the patient should wear masks and towels, whenever sneezing or coughig, or even normal time. It will save others those who are not having flu. The usage of mask or towel will reduce our immunity power and if we do not use it, contrarily if we do not use the same, it will increase immunity power to our body. Actually in our air the virus is already there and regularly our body is making anti-bodies against that virus. Only infants and older people are in danger zone for which they have to take care wearing masks. Secondly doctors and patient should wear it. Anyhow flues are various types (not only swine flu) and it spreads if we do not take care. We should note one thing that the masks which is available in the market, is not suitable for preventing the virus. It should be N95 Masks. Secondly the masks are having lifetime of one time use only.

When virus invented firstly in 1987, it was seen only in pigs. It was not spreading like today. Because of so many reasons, it came to man also. Now this virus spreads from one man to other man. That is the main reason of panic conditions of the society.