Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to control Gas/Acidity

It is very rare people who do not have gas/acidity problem at least once in a life time. It is important that for anything, there will be a positive and negative side. Those people are succeeded in everything who lead life between these two sides. Those who lead like this, viz. in a moderate level are healthy and long lived in this world.  Somebody will be extreme type in any behavior and somebody will be below the moderate level. Their health will also be in fluctuation. But those who are in moderate level, their health will be the best. So we can choose Moderate level in life.

In this way, to control Gas or Acidity, we have to choose a moderate food habit. We must do some exercise or job. There are two types of food, we take daily. They are alkaline and acid types.  We can keep safe from gas/acidity if we do exercise and keep equilibrium of above mentioned habits. But how to keep this equilibrium?. We are taking alkaline foods and acid foods. Alkaline is good for avoiding gas. But acid food is also inevitable for body. So we can keep ratio as 75% alkaline foods and 25% acid foods. All fruits and some items in vegetables are alkaline foods. Non-veg foods and some veg items are acid foods. Now a days everybody knows fruits and vegetables are good.

How to form Gas/Acidity
Indigestion, excess digestive enzymes by using acid foods, without proper exercise or work, long time tension/strain. All these are caused to form gas/acidity. Following are the list of acid/alkaline foods. 

Alkaline foods

Banana, grapes, cherry, papaya, lemon, pineapple, tomorrow, cardamom, ginger, coconut, mustard, onion, garlic, pumpkin, brinjal, cabbage, like foods and vegetables.

Acid foods

Potato, egg, green piece, soya beans, oats, rice, sugar, milk, meat, fish, oils, bread, dal etc.

Confusing like a heart attack

Sometime gas/acidity may cause confusion whether it is a heart attack. We will be forced to go to doctor, fearing lest it is a heart attack.  But, somebody may be thinking that it will be only a gas trouble, and there may be chance that it must be a heart attack. Both are problamatic. Gas probably may effect stomach, chest, brain etc.  

Gas and heart burn

Gas forms when we eat acid foods and sit idle. If  we also suffer heart burn, it would be an uncomfortable condition.  Normally gas problems seen in those  who are rich, high lifestyles, fatty people, and those who are obese. Let us see how it happens.  From Esophagus, food travels to Stomach. When we eat food, if it is chewed properly, it would be easy for digestion. Anyhow, in the stomach, the digestion starts with the help of digestive enzymes. There is a valve between Esophagus and Stomach. As soon as the food enters into stomach, this valve closes automatically. This is normal function. But sometimes, this valve opens slightly. This causes the flow of Sulphuric Acid, digestive enzymes like Pepsin, Bile from Bile Duct, into the Esophagus. This results into a severe Heart Burn.

Gas/Acidity = Ulcer

If we control gas/acidity properly, after sometime this may convert into Ulcer. Because the digestive enzymes are the acids which can digest the foods. If the excess gas exists in the system, and if we do exercise or do hard work,   this acidity will disappear and we can gain health. Otherwise, what happens. By the excess acid, the soft membrane wall in the intestine may get inflamed and pored. This soft membrane is capable of bearing the heat of acids. But the normal skin cannot bear this heat. So, when this acid acts into these pores there will be inflammation to that skin. This is Ulcer. Once it has become Ulcer, it would be very painful if we eat spices.

How to get rid of Gas/Acidity problem

Eat alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables. Take easy digesting foods. But beware if you are having thyroid problem, do not always use Cabbage, Use small quantity of tomato, if you have kidney stone, gall bladder stone etc., Eat small quantity of fish items, and in fruits Apple, if you suffer from Piles. Do exercise and eat alkaline foods. Any type of cardio vascular/ aerobic exercises, like walking, running, swimming, cycling etc. are good enough. Yogasanas like Pavanamukthasan, Pranayama, Janusirasan, Halsasan, etc. are good. But do only under an experienced instructor. Remember, if somebody suffers from Hernia, Diarrhea, Hyper Thyroidism, do not practice Yogasana. For everybody cardio vascular/ aerobic exercises are good. If no relief from these lifestyles, rush to doctor and take proper treatment.

People normally take antacid tablets to control gas trouble. But instead of taking regularly these types of medicines, it would be better to do cardio vascular/ aerobic exercises and taking a moderate level of alkaline foods. Secondly, self medication is not good. Instead, try to be in good food habits. Always take a very small quantity food at night. If gas problem is a regular one, take food 3 hours before going to bed. In normal stage also take at least  one hour before bed time. For small gas problems, it is not necessary to go to a doctor. But if you suffer from stomach ache, throat ache, abnormal appetite, we must consult with a doctor.

If we do regular exercise or work, good food habit, free from tension, and understand the facts of our own body language and condition, we will be free from diseases.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Everybody knows a fact that we need good mood to do or to speak. Mania is a part of condition of mind like mood disorders. There is unique level in every field like minimum level, maximum level and in between these levels, the central level is required level. The welness of mind and body, depends on this level and always good will be in the central or moderate level. If this level is out of boarder levels, viz, below the minimum and above the maximum, the problems start. We can see even in physical world, eg, if the electricity load will be more than required, the fuse wire will be cut by overload or if there is not enough electricity the bulbs will not light up. If the sun’s heat will be more or if temperature will be very low, there will be problem to life. In our body itself, so many problems are which we do not know, eg; if the sugar in the blood will be more, it would be a hyper glizemia and when it is low, it would be hypo glizemia. If the pressure in the blood is higher than required level, it would be hyper tension and when it is low, it would be hypo tension. If the water in body is low, there will be problem and when it is high also, there will be problem. Anyhow, anything what we need must be in normal level. Here in the case of mood also, the normal level of mood is important for normal level of mind.

See one of my experience. Once an young person joined in my office. As he was an admin person, ours were the same cabin. I noticed him from the begining, there was some abnormality in his all deeds. He was so talkative, restless, behaviour that feels he knows everything, many projects, phone calls, plans, impatient to anything, such types of actions were being done. Once I jokely, told him that “you are a half mad” (because if I told him seriously, it would affect his mind and this type of men, would never accept that they have got some problems). Actually he was a man with mania. Since he joined here, he had been going for interviews in other companies, once in a week. But he never passed interview till he was terminated after one year.

We are interested to see a doctor if we are suffering from any minor illness. But in the case of psychological illness, the public are least interested to cure it or to see a doctor. In the consequence, the unrecognized illness of mind is increased, such types of so many cases are among common men. The above said story is an example. These men face failures and hatred in life.

What is mania ?

We need a good sense to determine the things to be done and seen with all its real meaning. To do the same, we need good mood. If an adequate mood which we need, breaks or increased, a condition called mania will be formed in our mind. This inequality of mood, is mania.

Somebody tells, I do not have mood to do anything or there is a mood out. Actually, this is a common saying, because when the common people bored or getting lonely, they feel a boredom and so this can not be taken as mania or mood disorder. But somebody thinks more, or do more things, or showing exaggeration by unlimited phone calls, always busy busy, there will be a mood disorder. This is a hereditary illness, but it may also happen without heredity. Sometimes, this may been seen with depression and shown psychotic symptoms. This is known as manic depressive psychosis.

Mania may lead to depression also. This is known as bipolar depression. Depression also happens without mania and this known as unipolar depression.


Patient has plenty of ideas
Phone calls
Deeds without real sense
Watching TV, etc. etc. with high volume
Purchasing goods and thereby lavishness
Always busy. No free time.
Even if no sleep, no weakness.

The above said things are related to mania and not there will be also added some psychotic symptoms. Here in manic depressive psychosis, both symtoms will be shown. And there will be shown the symptoms of both also.

In this way, if you see anybody with the above symptoms, go to a doctor and instruct for a better treatment in the early stage. If it is done in early stage, we can develop a good personality and win in life.